A 7 Hour Long Traffic Jam In Gurgaon Last Night + 7 Worst Traffic Jams In History!

to Delhi civic body’s toll collection drive. The seven-hour-long traffic jam began at around 12:30 am on Saturday when some drivers protested the environment tax collection drive of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi while some didn’t have enough money to pay the same. As a result, they started parking on the Delhi-Jaipur highway leading to chaos on the road.

Situation normalised when senior traffic officials from Gurgaon and Delhi rushed to the spot early on Saturday morning and made alternative arrangements to divert the vehicles. Absolutely nuts!

ggn jam

Traffic jams are a common sight these days due to a number of reasons, including increasing number of cars clogging the road, bad weather and also sometimes due to lack of traffic management skills.

Here’s a list of the worst traffic jams ever in history:

1. Atlanta – January 2014



With 1 million cars on the road and substandard public transportation system, Atlanta experienced a standstill of more than 12 hours.

2. Sao Paulo – November 2013



This Brazilian city recorded its longest ever traffic jam in November 2013. It stretched out over 192 miles.

3. Moscow- November 2012



Heavy snowfall brought cars and trucks on the M-10 highway, to a 125-mile-long, three-day halt.


4. Chicago – February 2011



Chicago was buried in a record 20 inches of snow due to a winter blizzard, in February 2011. The bad weather conditions caused a series of accidents and traffic on Lakeshore Drive came to a standstill for more than 12 hours that day.

5. Beijing – August 2010



No, this wasn’t caused by any natural disaster. Infact a combination of ill-timed road work, break downs and innumerable cars on the road caused this 62 mile long traffic jam that lasted for 12 days. Those attempting to pass through the Beijing-Tibet expressways, could do it only in three days!

6. Houston – September 2005



This 99 mile long traffic jam was caused when more than two million residents tried to escape Hurricane Rita, which was fast approaching the city. Cars merged onto Interstate 45 causing a terrible traffic jam.

 7. Bethel – August 1969



With close to half a million music fans coming down on the road in Woodstock, there was bound to be a mess. The 10 mile traffic jam lasted till the three-day long festival!


Credits: http://www.indiatimes.com/news/world/7-worst-traffic-jams-ever-in-history-232897.html

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